The Vine Haven Adventist School is a private Christian Seventh-day Adventist School located in Vineland, New Jersey. For some years it had been the dream of the area churches, namely Vineland Spanish, Panamericana, and the Bridgeton church to have a school in the Vineland area to accommodate the growing number of children and provide the foremost Elementary education in a Christ centered community. After many meetings among the Constituent Churches, and after receiving the blessing of the NJ Conference it was voted that the school could open, and on September 5, 2007, we opened the doors as the Vineland Regional Adventist School. A dream turned into a reality.
At the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year, the name of the school was changed to Vine Haven Adventist School, to reflect the words of our Lord Jesus in John 15:5, “I am the vine and ye are the branches”. We are to bear much fruit for the Kingdom. Our children are the fruit.
Vine Haven Adventist School is accredited by the Adventist Accrediting Association, The Middle States Accrediting Association, and the Columbia Union Office of Education. We are part of a network of schools under the New Jersey Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. For listings of all schools in the New Jersey Conference please click here.

Vine Haven Adventist School Staff